Silvers Family Dental Care

Signs Your Dentures Need to Be Replaced

Sep 25, 2018 @ 12:46 PM — by Dr. Silvers
Tagged with: Dentures

When it comes to multiple or full-arch tooth replacement, dentures are one of the fastest and most affordable options. Even though dentures are crafted from high-quality materials that are made to last, these prostheses will need to be replaced at some point.

In fact, the average lifespan of dentures is approximately seven to 10 years. Therefore, it is important to maintain your appliance and recognize signs that indicate your dentures need to be replaced. At our Harrisburg, PA practice, Dr. Silvers offers a wide range of restorative dentistry treatments to improve your oral health. No matter what your needs, we can help you achieve and maintain the smile you desire.

Your Dentures Hurt

If your dentures have suddenly become painful, it could be time to replace them. In many cases, discomfort is the result of an ill-fitting denture, which can be caused by changes in the underlying bone ridge.

Generally speaking, once you become accustomed to new dentures, they are comfortable. However, because the tissues change over time, your prosthesis may make your gums feel sore and irritated.

Your Dentures Are Loose

A loose, wobbly, or slipping prosthesis is one of the first signs indicating you may need a new denture. As aforementioned, the underlying bone ridge changes gradually once tooth loss occurs.

When teeth are present, the bone stays dense and healthy. Once the teeth are removed, the lack of stimulation leads to bone loss over time. The result? Dentures that may not stay in place as they once did.

You Have Sore Areas on Your Gums

As dentures become loose, they can rub sore spots or lesions on the gum tissue. Not only is this uncomfortable, it can also increase the risk for oral infections.

Your Dentures Are Hard to Keep Clean

When you first received your dentures, they probably fit snugly against the gum tissue and palate. Over time, however, the bone ridge shrinks. As a result, a space develops between the prosthesis and gums. This commonly leads to issues with food becoming trapped in the area. If you notice your dentures are harder to keep clean, it may be time to replace them.

Your Dentures Are Broken

Although they are made from strong materials, dentures can still break if dropped or damaged. If artificial teeth have broken off of the denture, then we may be able to repair your appliance.

If the break has occurred on the denture base (the pink portion), then it may need to be replaced. It is imperative that you never attempt to repair a broken denture at home. Any discrepancy in fit can seriously compromise your oral function and health.

Why Denture Replacement Is Important

To achieve optimal oral health, all elements of your smile work together harmoniously. When you receive dentures, they not only replace missing teeth and restore function, they also restore your bite and keep your jaw joints in the correct positions.

If you continue to wear an ill-fitting or damaged denture, it could compromise your overall oral health and lead to more serious complications.

Contact Silvers Family Dental

Have you been wearing the same set of dentures for several years? Is your appliance loose or uncomfortable? If you answered yes to any of these questions, consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Silvers. Call our office at (717) 564-1681 or contact us online anytime.