Silvers Family Dental Care

Filling Spaces in Your Smile: Treatments for Missing Teeth

Aug 30, 2016 @ 01:20 PM — by Dr. Silvers
Tagged with: Missing Teeth Restorative Dentistry Dental Bridges Dentures Dental Implants

Here at Silvers Family Dental Care, we want to offer advanced restorative dentistry treatments for the teeth and gums. This focus on excellence and the latest techniques is what makes us one of the leading dental care practices in Harrisburg.

When people are missing teeth, we have plenty of options to help them smile, speak, eat, and laugh with confidence. Let's take a moment to go over the most common treatment options for tooth loss.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are traditional appliances used to treat patients who are missing a tooth or a few teeth. These bridges span the gap between teeth, and they are held in place by latching around the natural, remaining teeth adjacent to the tooth gap.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are worn when people are missing many teeth in a row. In these cases, there is not enough remaining tooth structure to support a dental bridge. The partial denture will instead brace around the gum tissue and jawbone structure of the dental arch to remain in place. Dental adhesives can be used to improve stability.

Full Dentures

When a person is missing most of their teeth or all of their teeth, the best option for treatment is a full denture. A full denture is a set of false teeth that can be used to replace the entire dental arch. Like a partial denture, adhesives and creams can be used to improve the grip of the full denture along the dental arch.

Crown-Supported Dental Bridges

While the above dental appliances are all removable, there are also dental appliances for missing teeth that can be fixed in place. One example of this is a crown-supported dental bridge. This is a bridge with a dental crown on either side of it. The crown is used to cap the teeth adjacent to the tooth gap, fixing the bridge in place with great stability.

Dental Implants

The best option for a fixed dental appliance involves the use of implant dentistry. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically anchored into a patient's jawbone and gum tissue. These dental implants are able to support bridges, partial and full dentures, and even individual dental crowns for people just missing one tooth.

Since oral surgery is required for dental implants to be placed, not all people are good candidates for this option. In addition to surgery and added cost, patients will generally require a post-surgical recovery period of a few months to ensure proper stability and fusion of the dental implants before they can support a restoration.

Creating a Custom Treatment Plan Just for You

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to restore the health, appearance, and full function of your smile. During the consultation process, we will be more than happy to go over all of these matters in greater detail. We'll cover the risks, benefits, and all alternative treatment options so you can be totally confident in the choice you make.

Learn More About Treating Tooth Loss

For more information about treating tooth loss and how we can help you smile with renewed confidence, be sure to contact our cosmetic and restorative dentistry center today. The team at Silvers Family Dental Care look forward to your visit and discussing these matters with you in greater detail.