Silvers Family Dental Care

Are You a Candidate for a Custom Mouth Guard?

Apr 28, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Dr. Silvers
Tagged with: Mouth Guards Teeth Grinding Sports Dentistry

Not all mouth guards are created equally. This probably does not come as a surprise to you. Surely, NFL players and professional boxers don’t go down to their local drug store and grab a boil-to-fit mouthguard off the shelf when they need one. That would be ridiculous, right?

Why, then, would you treat your mouth, or the mouth of someone you love, any differently?

You don’t have to be a professional athlete to afford the highest level of protection against injuries to your teeth and gums. All you need to do is make an appointment at the cosmetic and restorative dentistry practice of Dr. Warren D. Silvers, Sr., and his son, Dr. Warren D. Silvers III. At Silvers Family Dental Care, we can provide you with a custom mouth guard made from the highest-quality materials. It will fit comfortably in your mouth and provide optimal protection for the hard and soft tissues of your mouth in the case of trauma or another event that might cause damage.

Fortunately, most patients are excellent custom mouth guard candidates at our Harrisburg practice. The question you may be asking yourself, then, is why would I want a custom mouth guard when a less expensive, store-bought mouth guard would do? The short answer: “You get what you pay for.” The longer answer is…

Custom Mouth Guards Fit Properly

Boil-to-fit mouth guards will conform to the teeth of wearers when they bite down. However, they will also stretch very thin due to the fact that they are made of cheaper materials. Over time, they will only wear thinner. Remember, too, that boil-to-fit mouth guards conform only to the grooves of the top surfaces of the teeth; they are not otherwise fitted to the mouths of the wearers. As a result, they will be minimally comfortable while providing no real protection for the gums.

Custom Mouth Guards Provide Good Value for Money

Custom mouth guards are constructed to last. They will endure the wear and tear of a full season of football or basketball while maintaining their shape and comfort and providing outstanding protection. Halfway through the season, if not sooner, a store-bought mouth guard will need to be replaced. Unfortunately, the cost-effectiveness of custom mouth guards often becomes especially clear to athletes who suffer serious - and expensive-to-treat - dental injuries while wearing ineffective store-bought mouth guards.

All Athletes Are Good Candidates for Custom Mouth Guards

Custom mouth guards are ideal for any athlete, especially those involved in contact sports such as football, rugby, and boxing. If someone has an oral health problem such as periodontal disease, tooth decay, or a root canal infection, we can diagnose and treat that problem before creating his or her custom mouth guard. On the other hand, if he or she purchases a boil-to-fit mouth guard, this would not be possible, and the mouth guard might actually cause his or her oral health problem to become worse.

Other candidates for custom mouth guards include people who suffer from chronic teeth grinding and TMJ disorder.

Learn More about Mouth Guard Candidacy

To learn whether you are a good candidate for a custom mouth guard, please contact Silvers Family Dental Care today.